You may use this longer version for publicity or my shorter bio on the next page.

About me (long version):
Cynthia Pratt is one of the founding members of the Olympia Poetry Network’s board which has been in existence for over 30 years. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Crab Creek Review, Raven Chronicles, Feminist Theology Poetry, The Raven’s Perch, The Writing Disorder, Poetry Breakfast, Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Dreich Magazine, Kestrel Journal, Skink Beat Review, Quarter Press, Willows Wept, Moonstone Arts Center, Third Wednesday Magazine, and other publications, and in the anthologies, Tattoos on Cedar (2006), Godiva Speaks (2011), two anthologies by the Fusion Collective, Dancing on the Edges (2017) and Garden of the Covid Museum (2021), Hidden in Childhood anthology, Home For the Holidays anthology, and the anthology by Washington Humanities and Empty Bowl Press, I Sing the Salmon Home (2023). Her manuscript, Celestial Drift¸ was published in 2016. She is a former Fish and Wildlife biologist. A former Lacey Councilmember and Deputy Mayor of the City of Lacey for the last 12 years, her term ended in December 2021. She is the first Poet Laureate of Lacey as of 2022.